Anxiety, Panic or Fear
Manage your worries and discover your inner calm.
Anxiety, Panic or Fear
- You may be continually worrying about something in the past or in the future to the point where it disrupts your sleep, work, study, relationships, or enjoyment of life.
- You may be experiencing unpleasant body sensations like tightness, aches and pains, palpitations, excessive sweating, nausea or dizziness.
- You may be afraid to go out to a social gathering, be withdrawn or avoid certain situations, people or places.
- With some exploration of your situation, life stage, recent events and family, it is possible to understand the cause of your anxiety, which may change your response to the events, people or situation.
- It is possible to learn to relax your body and mind with techniques like progressive muscle relaxation,
- Utilising mindfulness, you can learn to be an observer of your thoughts, feelings and sensations without being disturbed by them.
- Using a technique called focusing, first with the therapist and then on your own, you can learn to stay present to your body symptoms, which allows them to shift, change and bring relief.
- It is possible to use techniques like tapping, TFT, EFT with the therapist as well as on your own to soothe, calm and settle your distress.
- Utilising Bi-lateral Stimulation Processing, it is possible to rework and transform any past traumatic or painful events and any current triggers that may be contributing to your difficulties.
- With the use of hypnotherapy it is possible to access the unconscious mind to develop inner resources and coping capacities, as well as changing undesirable patterns and habits.
With some exploration of the causes and triggers of your anxiety, as well as learning a variety of self soothing techniques, it is possible to overcome these issues and reconnect to enjoyment and fulfilment in life.